One hundred python patches

Alexander Bokovoy ab at
Fri Oct 12 06:04:43 UTC 2018

On pe, 12 loka 2018, Douglas Bagnall via samba-technical wrote:
> I have about 100 patches to python files here:
> They are WIP. Most of them are probably correct, though collectively
> they don't like to pass CI.
Thanks for this effort, Douglas.

May be you can submit them in groups that are smaller and pass the
tests? They aren't dependent on each other in most cases.

> Many are aimed at Python 3, though many are fixing plain coding
> errors. For example there are a few of this kind of thing
> -      "No exception should get %s" % msg_exp)
> +      "No exception should get %s" % msg_exp)
> in code paths we can assume are rarely travelled, and there are quite
> a few examples of this:
>      def test_search_non_mapped(self):
>          """Looking up by non-mapped attribute"""
>          msg ="(cn=Administrator)")
>          self.assertEquals(len(msg), 1)
>          self.assertEquals(msg[0]["cn"], "Administrator")
> -    def test_search_non_mapped(self):
> +    def test_search_mapped(self):
>          """Looking up by mapped attribute"""
>          msg ="(name=Backup Operators)")
>          self.assertEquals(len(msg), 1)
>          self.assertEquals(str(msg[0]["name"]), "Backup Operators")
> what we have had there since 2007 is two test methods called
> "test_search_non_mapped", meaning only the second one has ever run.
> Unshadowing these secret tests is a great way to increase coverage,
> though unfortunately not all of them pass. Sometimes both tests are
> identical, so we can easily get rid of one, and sometimes they seem
> contradictory, like this in lib/ldb/tests/python/
>     def test_get_casefold(self):
>         x = ldb.Dn(self.ldb, "dc=foo14,bar=bloe")
>         self.assertEqual(x.get_casefold(), "DC=FOO14,BAR=bloe")
> [...]
>     def test_get_casefold(self):
>         dn = ldb.Dn(self.ldb, "cn=foo,dc=base")
>         self.assertEqual(dn.get_casefold(), 'CN=FOO,DC=BASE')
> There are also a heap of boring patches reducing unused imports,
> removing unused variables, and updating the print syntax.
That's effectively the same test, not a contradiction as it tests
casefolding in both DNs. These DNs aren't different in terms of what
they offer to test, so one of them can be kept.

> I found these problems like so:
> git ls-files | xargs file -i | grep text/x-python |cut -d: -f 1 > all-python-files
> grep -v third_party all-python-files > non-3rd-party-python-files
> grep -v 'heimdal'  non-3rd-party-python-files > non-heimdal-python-files
> grep -v 'wscript'  non-heimdal-python-files > non-wscript-python-files
> wc non-wscript-python-files # 400
> xargs pyflakes3 < non-wscript-python-files
> Then I started winnowing down the error classes as I got sick of each
> one:
> xargs pyflakes3 < non-wscript-python-files | grep -v imported
> xargs pyflakes3 < non-wscript-python-files | grep -v imported | grep -v 'but never used'
> xargs pyflakes3 < non-wscript-python-files | grep -v imported | grep -v 'but never used' | grep -v 'star import'
> [etc]
> Pyflakes is a very basic static analyser, not a style nit-picker, and
> pyflakes3 uses Python 3 syntax.
> There are many effective false positives for local variables that are
> assigned but not used, from patterns like this:
>   def test_x(self):
>       try:
>           res =
>       except:
>           fail...
> where we strictly don't need "res = " but it isn't hurting. I *would*
> like to reduce the number of unnecessary imports but it is not a small
> job.
> Douglas

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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