[PATCH] Add missing async fsync_send()/recv() code to ceph VFS.

Ralph Böhme slow at samba.org
Wed May 2 17:27:15 UTC 2018

On Wed, May 02, 2018 at 09:36:03AM -0700, Jeremy Allison via samba-technical wrote:
> I was thinking more... In order to keep the ability
> to have:
> try real async
> 	-> fallback: try recvfile
> 		-> fallback: try sync
> We could add an bool to the _send VFS calls that
> we set to true when we insist on "true" async,
> and set to false when we can code with 'faked'
> async (sync using tevent under the covers).
> Argghh. This is getting too complex. Maybe
> it's just better to keep the PREAD/PWRITE
> VFS calls as sync versions separate instead.

hm, it seems the user-facing order of aio vs sendfile is not specified, at least
not in smb.conf, is it? Can we get away with just switching the order of
preference? Ie if sendfile is enabled, just use sendfile, if not, use aio with a
possible sync io fallback under the covers.


Ralph Boehme, Samba Team       https://samba.org/
Samba Developer, SerNet GmbH   https://sernet.de/en/samba/
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