PATCH: verbose mode for smbclient tar

Aurélien Aptel aaptel at
Fri Jan 26 12:39:56 UTC 2018

Aurélien Aptel <aaptel at> writes:
> Sorry for messing the debug output (I wrote most of that file). Your
> patch looks good to me.

Actually after re-reading the whole file I have some comments:

The tar_numfile and tar_numdir should be part of the tar context
structure instead of global variables and they should be set to 0 in
tar_create() which is the function ultimately called by both the tar
interactive and non-interactive command.

As it is now the 2 global vars don't get initialized when called the
non-interactive way from client.c (but static variables are always
initialized to 0 as required by the C standard so it doesn't matter that

And last tiny minor nit-picking: you can remove the comment in the
tar_mode definition:

		bool verbose;     /* XXX: ignored */


Aurélien Aptel / SUSE Labs Samba Team
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GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)

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