git clang-format (was Re: [PATCH for comments] configure: install...)

Douglas Bagnall douglas.bagnall at
Wed Apr 11 00:08:53 UTC 2018

On 10/04/18 21:39, Uri Simchoni wrote:
> On 04/10/2018 12:03 PM, Douglas Bagnall via samba-technical wrote:
>> When I am reviewing or working on python files, I quite often run flake8 to see
>> what it says. I don't always agree. It would be nice to have a similar thing for C.
>> It is sometimes more interesting for a tool to be opinionated than authoritative.
> IMHO the one-stop-shop for an opinionated formatting tool for C is
> clang-format.
> - The samba-conformant configuration is in README.Coding
> - It does whitespace (end-of-line, tab), alignment, 80-column, space
> between variables and operators, you name it. Being based on a compiler,
> it probably does a better job than any hand-crafted script.
> - Combined with the git-clang-format git add-on, doing "git
> clang-format" will only re-format the changed lines.
> - I mostly take its edits as-is. Only place where I consistently
> disagree is in initialized arrays of popt options - it's not necessarily
> incorrect but the new option has to be consistent with other options.
> This is an example of where the automatic formatting doesn't work though.
> So my workflow for a single commit is:
> - add all changes - everything is in the index
> - run "git clang-format" - clang-format reformats the patches that are
> in the index
> - run "git add -i" to accept or reject git-clang-format edits.

Thanks Uri,

I wasn't aware of git clang-format. I have got as far as this:

git config "{BasedOnStyle: LLVM, IndentWidth: 8, UseTab: true, BreakBeforeBraces: Linux, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, BinPackParameters: false, BinPackArguments: false}"

which leaves me wanting to patch some C.


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