[PATCH] s3:winbindd: document "winbind:ignore domains"

Alexander Bokovoy ab at samba.org
Mon Jan 23 21:19:10 UTC 2017

On ma, 23 tammi 2017, Ralph Böhme wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 09:48:49AM -0700, David Mulder wrote:
> > Ok, so I could leave the source in source3/winbindd/winbindd_util.c as it
> > was, and document it with that xml file, and then it wont auto-generate the
> > parameter mappings?
> I believe there's no easy way to sort this out. You can't, afaict, document a
> parametric option in the XML docs. :/
> Folks, I might be missing something, can we somehow document this option?
There are three separate things at play here:
 - when XML snippet defines parametric option, do not generate C
   boilerplate code to access the option (lp_cfg_...()),
 - add a section to smb.conf documentation that describes all documented
   parametric options, and
 - document independent parametric options

I think we have already first item covered by script/generate_param.py
which ignores parameter descriptions which have : in them.

The second part exists as well but not as a separate section for
parametrics -- rather than that, we have them in the common list of
smb.conf's options. I guess this is just OK for now, they are sorted by
the option name without colon in it (like the XML file name).

The third part is there already for *some* options, so just continue
documenting the rest:

$ cd docs-xml/smbdotconf
$ git grep 'parameter name'|cut -d= -f2|grep :
"fss: prune stale"
"fss: sequence timeout"
"spoolss: architecture"
"spoolss: os_major"
"spoolss: os_minor"
"spoolss: os_build"
"idmap config DOMAIN : OPTION"

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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