[PATCH] Faster handling of linked attributes

Douglas Bagnall douglas.bagnall at catalyst.net.nz
Thu Jan 12 02:44:49 UTC 2017

In AD, linked attributes are complementary pairs of attributes that
describe a relationship between two objects. One of these attributes
is called the "forward link"; adding this implies and automatically
creates the corresponding "back link".

The canonical example is group membership: when you add a user to a
group, you add a "member" attribute to the group that points to the
user, which magically creates a "memberOf" attribute on the user
pointing to the group. Groups can have many members.

If we didn't manage linked attributes in a vaguely sensible way, we
would end up having to traverse all the existing members of a group
for simple operations like adding or deleting users. For domain
replication we would be performing this traversal for each user being
replicated, meaning a group would have a potential (and often real)
cost proportional to the square of the number of members.

This hypothetical situation describes what we currently do. To
compound our misfortune, we have to explode the extended DN of every
linked object in order to find a GUID to compare against, which turns
out to be far more expensive than the comparing the GUIDs or shifting
the values about.

The solution in these patches is to store the links in a sorted order
in the database. When a new value is added we bisect the array to find
the link or insertion point. This means we only have to explode the
DNs of bisection pivots.

The existing code already uses a binary search, but it can only do so
after the expensive work of exploding, parsing, and sorting all of the
DNs. The binsearch macro it uses is only gives an absence/presence
answer, which means we end up searching multiple times to find the
exact status of each member. Using a binary search that returns a
pointer to the object found allows us to simplify the code in many
places (by some measures of simplify).

How do we change the database storage order? For existing databases,
we don't. Only new databases (including e.g. those used in autobuild
runs) maintain the links in sorted order. When we're setting up the
indexes on a new database, we add a record called
"@SAMBA_FEATURES_SUPPORTED" which lists features the database might be
compatible or incompatible with. If we find the value "sortedLinks" in
the compatible features attribute, we tell the replmd module to assume
links are sorted.

It should not be terribly tricky to make a dbcheck rule or something
that upgraded existing databases, but we don't provide that here.

Without the "sortedLinks" flag the new code will parse and sort the
links as before, and will store them in sorted order. It seems to be
slightly faster than before. With the flag the speed-up depends on how
many links the object has. The ad dc performance tests
(source4/dsdb/tests/python/ad_dc_performance.py) get up to perhaps a
thousand links and see a 60% reduction in clock time for several
tests. Overall for these tests the percentage of CPU time spent in the
replmd_modify_la_* functions drops from 29.4% to 4.2%, with most of
the remaining time spent on back link processing. The bit these
patches deal with really is several orders of magnitude faster on
large databases.

For what its worth, we are now finding that nearly half the CPU time
is spent in memcpy inside tdb. But even with TDB_NO_FSYNC, the elapsed
time for these tests is divorcing itself from the CPU time.

please review carefully!

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