winbind local user behavior

Steve French smfrench at
Wed Aug 9 00:30:51 UTC 2017

Before joining an AD domain, I noticed that "wbinfo --all-domains"
does list the local system as a domain:
<machine name as default domain>

Can winbind query local users and builtin users (ala pdbedit -L  or
pdbedit -L -v) before being joined to AD?   Is winbind supposed to be
able to be able return info on builtin users - as long as winbindd is
running (even though not joined to an AD domain).

I wasn't seeing much when doing "wbinfo -u" etc.

And commands fail with

wbinfo --group-info=BUILTIN/Administrators

failed to call wbcGetgrnam: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND



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