[PATCH] Fix the build

Peter Somogyi PSOMOGYI at hu.ibm.com
Fri Sep 2 10:46:39 UTC 2016

> I think that would be bad too.  If you have a DEBUG message that is
> needfully long then which is better?

+1 for breaking this rule on DEBUGs.

Understanding samba logs still today require lots of code reengineering.
Breaking DEBUGs into more lines causing extra effort on this - extra blind 
guesses on how the log message might have been splitted on code lines.

Feel free to ignore me, but it's something I must raise from samba 
supporter perspective.

Peter Somogyi
IBM Magyarországi Kft.
1117 Budapest
Infopark, Neumann János u. 1.
Phone: +36 1 382 5469

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