Libsmbclient thread safety

Jeremy Allison jra at
Wed May 25 16:20:35 UTC 2016

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 11:34:23AM -0400, NoNeumann wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm developing an application that runs several SMB clients in parallel. I've used the libsmbclient library to create the client but I've seen that it only works with one thread. When I run several clients at the same time it results in a seg. fault.
> Is the current version thread-safe? What about contexts? Is there any interface to use contexts?

No, the current version is not thread-safe due to unlocked
concurrent access into the paramters structure.

The goal is to synchronise that behind a big-lock, at
that point the use of a separate context per-thread
should be safe.

Any help on this welcome !

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