[Samba] Increasing database size limit

mathias dufresne infractory at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 09:17:24 UTC 2015

Hi Volker,

First I apologize for very late reply. I did tests in the meantime...

Trust relationships are the option we keep in mind. As trusts are for now
bidirectional-full-trust they give us possibility to increase domain size.
If we have to split our domain we will split in one domain for users and
another for computers (meaning users' MS Windows computers as they need to
be included into AD, which is not the case for UNIX/Linux boxes, and
because MS Windows clients are almost as numerous as users).

The others choices are to have users + computers in same domain, with
several domains. This implies we reproduce management processes on each
Having one domain for users and another for computers we won't have to
reproduce processes. Of course processes to manage computers and users
should be quiet similar so somewhere we will have to reproduce these
processes, but it seems to me (I can be wrong ;) that would generate less
work during run...
Another good point is once we don't need any more trust relationships we
could move users from their domain to computers' domain almost
Having computers spread on several domain means to remove these computers
from their domain then integrate them in the one chosen as main domain when
we'll aggregate them to remove trust relationship(s).

In parallel Oliver Liebel tells around 2 months ago he'll be able to find
funds to develop LMDB backend (in some mail with title "s4 ldb tdb limits")
which could solve the DB size limitation. And the company I'm working for
is still discussing internally (without me :p) about investing for same
development (and others).

That's where are my thoughts regarding scaling this domain... Critics are
welcome :)



2015-06-11 13:22 GMT+02:00 Volker Lendecke <Volker.Lendecke at sernet.de>:

> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:03:08AM +0200, mathias dufresne wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Would it be really complex to add some code to have more database files?
> Would trusts help you? Individual domains could become
> smaller.
> Volker
> --
> SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
> phone: +49-551-370000-0, fax: +49-551-370000-9
> AG Göttingen, HRB 2816, GF: Dr. Johannes Loxen
> http://www.sernet.de, mailto:kontakt at sernet.de

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