samba 4 schema

Marc Muehlfeld mmuehlfeld at
Fri May 22 15:34:28 MDT 2015

Hello Roger,

Am 22.05.2015 um 16:22 schrieb Roger Chin Garcia:
 > My question is which of these attributes are free, meaning that no
 > application type information in them, my fear is that use either
 > store information such as mac-address, then any application that uses
 > this attribute change my information and miss causing malfunctioning
 > of other services using the mac-address for instance. I have a list:
 > carLicense
 > comment
 > company
 > department
 > departmentNumber
 > description
 > employeeID
 > employeeNumber
 > employeeType
 > homePhone
 > homePostalAddress
 > mail
 > mobile
 > networkAddress
 > ipPhone
 > otherHomePhone
 > otherIpPhone
 > otherMailbox
 > otherMobile
 > otherPager
 > otherTelephone
 > personalTitle
 > postalAddress
 > postalCode
 > roomNumber
 > telephoneNumber
 > all of them are free ?

This depents on what applications you're going to use with AD. I see 
nothing special in this list, that is required for pure domain logons.

But of course you should not fill attributes with completely different 
stuff, than it is destined for. Maybe you will have some applications in 
future, that expect information in an attribute you used for something 
completely different and run into trouble then.

According to
e. g. networkAddress is used by at least Exchange. If you fill it with 
something different, you may get with that service.


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