Error when trying to mount on samba 3.6.24

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Mon May 4 22:17:00 MDT 2015

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:14 PM, sandeep nag <sandeepnagamalli at> wrote:
> I am seeing following error on wireshark packets when trying to access a
> directory which has only read only permissions for the user. we use
> acl_xattr module for acl support.
> SesssionSetup Request, NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE
> SesssionSetup Response, Error: STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED,
> Please suggest me on, what could be the issue and which function the issue
> could be in?

That is not an error, that is a normal part of the NTLM Authentication
process. If you used Kerberos you would not see it.

Richard Sharpe

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