Correct handling of Windows Previous Versions ...

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Sun Jan 18 21:46:22 MST 2015

Hi Folks,

When I was at Panzura, Shilpa Krishnareddy and I worked on getting the
handling of Windows Previous Versions correct.

One of the things we observed was that real Windows systems return
FILE_READ_ONLY_VOLUME in the additional flags for the equivalent of a
smbd_do_qfsinfo request on a file.

This we fixed by adding an is_rofs field to the FSP and passing the
FSP into qmbd_do_qfsinfo.

However, there were a bunch of other changes needed.

I am trying to get Shilpa to submit a patch showing the changes so we
can figure out how to integrate them into Samba.

Richard Sharpe

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