[PATCH] Prepare for additional PAC types
Heiko Wundram
modelnine at modelnine.org
Thu Aug 20 15:26:06 UTC 2015
Am 20.08.2015 16:46, schrieb Günther Deschner:
> could you please add some tests to this patchset, similar to the tests
> you can find here:
will do (the patches I sent are already content-preserving for
UPN_DNS_INFO), but generally, is there ever a need to do a
layout-preserving "passthrough" (i.e. load and store) of UPN_DNS_INFO
buffers not created by Samba (i.e. where the format isn't shortest
possible, and in upn/domain-order)? I couldn't think of that situation,
but in case there is, this problem is a lot harder than the patch I
--- Heiko.
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