[PATCH] Prepare for additional PAC types
Heiko Wundram
modelnine at modelnine.org
Thu Aug 20 13:00:18 UTC 2015
in the context of implementing
https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11441 (Smartcard
authentication and PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO buffers), I had to implement
several small patches to the PIDL compiler and the
KRB5 PAC structure definitions. The attached patches build on each other
to contain stub definitions for all PAC types up to and including 12,
and fill the current PAC_UNKNOWN_12 element with a proper definition
based on MS-PAC. The patches are against samba git-master, and lay the
groundwork for the PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO patchset I'm currently preparing.
Thanks for review and inclusion.
--- Heiko.
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