Patch: Fixed patch for moving RSVD/SHVXD to vfs_default
Ralph Böhme
rb at
Tue Aug 4 19:56:35 UTC 2015
On Tue, Aug 04, 2015 at 12:06:38PM -0700, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Michael Adam <obnox at> wrote:
> > Wait a minute ... the vfs should not be fiddling
> > with smb2 create contexts! IMHO, this belongs into
> > smb2_create.c and nowhere else.
> Why? These are the same as Extra Create Parameters in Windows and they
> belong in NTFS, AFAICT.
> In addition, we already pass these to the VFS layer, and why should we
> have to add code to the SMB layer for each new ECP/Create Context
> Microsoft adds?
iirc it was me who added the create contexts to
SMB_VFS_CREATE_FILE(). Makes sense to me.
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