Meaning of NULL share names in registry?

Michael Adam obnox at
Tue Apr 28 02:49:03 MDT 2015

Hi Volker,

On 2015-04-27 at 16:37 +0200, Volker Lendecke wrote:
> With bcaac7fa3632 we got a feature that we can have NULL
> share names. By virtue of this we can easily crash testparm
> and the srvsvc_NetShareEnum server side when such a
> registry is around. Just do a
> net conf setparm "" available no
> testparm
> to reproduce this.
> What is the meaning of NULL share names in the registry?

The original intention was for them to behave exactly
parameters without a preceding section in an smb.conf
text file: If you include it, these parameters without
section will be added to the section that was open when
the include was triggered.

> I'd vote to ignore them at least during listing. Alternatively,
> we should do what we do for the smb.conf file, namely add
> the direct values in hklm\software\smbconf to [global].

That is not exactly what we do: we add it to the section
that was open (e.g. before the include was done). When there
was not previous section opening, the section defaults to global.
It seems that there is something broken there now. I am almost
certain that this used to work, but it is from long ago.. :)

I originally intended to allow more registry keys to contain
config data and allow for configuration to be distributed across
these several sources with dynamic includes, similar to what we
are doing with files. That was the motivation allowing these
'dangling' parameters: have a possibly dynamic include of a
registry key that adds parameters to whatever section is
currently open.

If we decide it is not needed, then we can remove the behaviour.

I will do some tests and follow up.

Cheers - Michael

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