VFS Layer, get_dfs_referrals calls subsequent VFS functions with a bogus connection struct but does not need to

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 17:18:57 MDT 2015

Hi folks,

Some of you might be sick of me now ... however, we have hit another problem.

In the DFS handling code, VFS routines are called with a handle that
points to a fake connection structure (that does not contain useful
info that is on the other side.)

Now, it seems like this does not need to be the case because
vfswrap_get_dfs_referrals gets a valid handle with a valid connection
structure in it, and calls get_referred_path but does not pass on a
connection struct, so get_referred_path has to make its own.

Now, while it seems that the correct behavior for us is to implement
get_dfs_referrals in our VFS module, it seems like get_referral_path
could be passed the connection structure so that it is available
further down the line ...


I can try to come up with a patch if no one objects.

Richard Sharpe

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