What I'm working on, part 2: fd-passing in messaging

Michael Adam obnox at samba.org
Thu May 22 17:06:01 MDT 2014


as part of our preparations for implementing
SMB3 features multi-channel and RDMA, I am
currently working on adding support for fd-passing
to our (local) messaging, so that we can later pass fds for
tcp connections or unix domain sockets (for the
rdma proxy channel) from one smbd to another.

Implementing fd-passing has been made possible
by Volker's recent rewrite of messaging to use
unix main socket messaging (using variants of
send and receive) instead of messaging.tdb and signals.

The state is in my master-fd-passing branch in


It is not very far yet, but I wanted to share
the status anyways.

Cheers - Michael
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