[PATCH] Add metadata to documentation for code generation

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Fri Jan 24 19:58:02 MST 2014


On top of the param-docs-only.patch I just sent, this patch adds further
metadata to each XML snippit describing our smb.conf parameters.  These
annotations allow the generate-param.py script to match our current
exceptions to the loadparm pattern.  generate-param.py, like these
patches is part of the branch Garming and I have worked
on at:
git://git.catalyst.net.nz/samba.git polished-param2

Like the previous patch, it only changes the documentation, not the

Please review/push.


 base/doscharset.xml                           |    1 +
 base/netbiosname.xml                          |    1 +
 base/netbiosscope.xml                         |    1 +
 base/path.xml                                 |    1 +
 base/realm.xml                                |    1 +
 base/serverstring.xml                         |    1 +
 base/unixcharset.xml                          |    1 +
 base/workgroup.xml                            |    1 +
 browse/domainmaster.xml                       |    3 ++-
 browse/lmannounce.xml                         |    2 +-
 browse/preferredmaster.xml                    |    1 +
 domain/dnsforwarder.xml                       |    1 +
 domain/dnsupdatecommand.xml                   |    2 +-
 domain/nsupdatecommand.xml                    |    2 +-
 domain/rndccommand.xml                        |    2 +-
 domain/spnupdatecommand.xml                   |    2 +-
 filename/casesensitive.xml                    |    3 ++-
 filename/defaultcase.xml                      |    3 ++-
 filename/deletevetofiles.xml                  |    1 +
 filename/hideunreadable.xml                   |    1 +
 filename/hideunwriteablefiles.xml             |    1 +
 filename/manglednames.xml                     |    1 +
 filename/mangleprefix.xml                     |    2 +-
 filename/manglingchar.xml                     |    3 ++-
 filename/preservecase.xml                     |    1 +
 filename/shortpreservecase.xml                |    1 +
 filename/vetooplockfiles.xml                  |    1 +
 ldap/clientldapsaslwrapping.xml               |    2 +-
 ldap/ldapgroupsuffix.xml                      |    1 +
 ldap/ldapidmapsuffix.xml                      |    1 +
 ldap/ldapmachinesuffix.xml                    |    1 +
 ldap/ldapusersuffix.xml                       |    1 +
 locking/locking.xml                           |    1 +
 locking/posixlocking.xml                      |    1 +
 locking/strictlocking.xml                     |    1 +
 logging/debugtimestamp.xml                    |    1 +
 logging/logfile.xml                           |    1 +
 logon/addgroupscript.xml                      |    1 +
 logon/addmachinescript.xml                    |    1 +
 logon/adduserscript.xml                       |    1 +
 logon/addusertogroupscript.xml                |    1 +
 logon/deletegroupscript.xml                   |    1 +
 logon/deleteuserfromgroupscript.xml           |    1 +
 logon/deleteuserscript.xml                    |    1 +
 logon/domainlogons.xml                        |    1 +
 logon/logondrive.xml                          |    1 +
 logon/logonhome.xml                           |    1 +
 logon/logonpath.xml                           |    1 +
 logon/logonscript.xml                         |    1 +
 logon/setprimarygroupscript.xml               |    1 +
 misc/addsharecommand.xml                      |    1 +
 misc/afsusernamemap.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/allowinsecurewidelinks.xml               |    1 +
 misc/available.xml                            |    1 +
 misc/cachedirectory.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/changenotify.xml                         |    1 +
 misc/changesharecommand.xml                   |    1 +
 misc/configfile.xml                           |    1 +
 misc/copy.xml                                 |    6 +++++-
 misc/ctdbdsocket.xml                          |    1 +
 misc/defaultservice.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/deletesharecommand.xml                   |    1 +
 misc/dontdescend.xml                          |    3 ++-
 misc/fakedirectorycreatetimes.xml             |    1 +
 misc/followsymlinks.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/homedirmap.xml                           |    1 +
 misc/include.xml                              |    1 +
 misc/kernelchangenotify.xml                   |    1 +
 misc/lockdirectory.xml                        |    1 +
 misc/magicoutput.xml                          |    1 +
 misc/magicscript.xml                          |    1 +
 misc/messagecommand.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/nbtclientsocketaddress.xml               |    1 +
 misc/ncalrpcdir.xml                           |    1 +
 misc/nishomedir.xml                           |    1 +
 misc/piddirectory.xml                         |    1 +
 misc/preload.xml                              |    1 +
 misc/remoteannounce.xml                       |    2 +-
 misc/remotebrowsesync.xml                     |    2 +-
 misc/rootpostexec.xml                         |    1 +
 misc/rootpreexec.xml                          |    1 +
 misc/rootpreexecclose.xml                     |    1 +
 misc/statedirectory.xml                       |    1 +
 misc/usershareprefixallowlist.xml             |    2 +-
 misc/usershareprefixdenylist.xml              |    2 +-
 misc/utmpdirectory.xml                        |    1 +
 misc/valid.xml                                |    1 +
 misc/widelinks.xml                            |    1 +
 misc/wtmpdirectory.xml                        |    1 +
 printing/addportcommand.xml                   |    1 +
 printing/addprintercommand.xml                |    1 +
 printing/cupsencrypt.xml                      |    1 +
 printing/deleteprintercommand.xml             |    1 +
 printing/disablespoolss.xml                   |    1 +
 printing/enablespoolss.xml                    |    1 +
 printing/enumportscommand.xml                 |    1 +
 printing/lppausecommand.xml                   |    1 +
 printing/lpqcachetime.xml                     |    1 +
 printing/lpqcommand.xml                       |    1 +
 printing/lpresumecommand.xml                  |    1 +
 printing/lprmcommand.xml                      |    1 +
 printing/maxprintjobs.xml                     |    1 +
 printing/maxreportedprintjobs.xml             |    1 +
 printing/printable.xml                        |    1 +
 printing/printcapname.xml                     |    1 +
 printing/printcommand.xml                     |    1 +
 printing/printername.xml                      |    1 +
 printing/printjobusername.xml                 |    1 +
 printing/queuepausecommand.xml                |    1 +
 printing/queueresumecommand.xml               |    1 +
 printing/showaddprinterwizard.xml             |    1 +
 protocol/clientmaxprotocol.xml                |    1 +
 protocol/clientminprotocol.xml                |    1 +
 protocol/eventloglist.xml                     |    2 +-
 protocol/maxmux.xml                           |    1 +
 protocol/minreceivefilesize.xml               |    1 +
 protocol/nbtport.xml                          |    2 +-
 protocol/readraw.xml                          |    1 +
 protocol/servermaxprotocol.xml                |    1 +
 protocol/serverminprotocol.xml                |    1 +
 protocol/smb2maxcredits.xml                   |    1 +
 protocol/svcctllist.xml                       |    2 +-
 protocol/webport.xml                          |    2 +-
 protocol/writeraw.xml                         |    1 +
 security/clientntlmv2auth.xml                 |    1 +
 security/clientschannel.xml                   |    2 +-
 security/clientsigning.xml                    |    2 +-
 security/createmask.xml                       |    2 +-
 security/dedicatedkeytabfile.xml              |    1 +
 security/directorymask.xml                    |    3 ++-
 security/encryptpasswords.xml                 |    1 +
 security/forcedirectorymode.xml               |    3 ++-
 security/guestaccount.xml                     |    1 +
 security/hostsallow.xml                       |    1 +
 security/hostsdeny.xml                        |    1 +
 security/inheritpermissions.xml               |    1 +
 security/krb5port.xml                         |    2 +-
 security/ntpsigndsocketdirectory.xml          |    1 +
 security/onlyuser.xml                         |    1 +
 security/passdbbackend.xml                    |    3 ++-
 security/passwordserver.xml                   |    3 ++-
 security/privatedir.xml                       |    1 +
 security/readlist.xml                         |    1 +
 security/readonly.xml                         |    1 +
 security/rootdirectory.xml                    |    1 +
 security/sambakcccommand.xml                  |    2 +-
 security/security.xml                         |    1 +
 security/serverrole.xml                       |    1 +
 security/serverschannel.xml                   |    2 +-
 security/smbpasswdfile.xml                    |    1 +
 security/tlscafile.xml                        |    1 +
 security/tlscertfile.xml                      |    1 +
 security/tlscrlfile.xml                       |    1 +
 security/tlsdhparamsfile.xml                  |    1 +
 security/tlskeyfile.xml                       |    1 +
 security/usernamelevel.xml                    |    1 +
 security/writeable.xml                        |    1 +
 security/writelist.xml                        |    1 +
 tuning/maxdisksize.xml                        |    1 +
 tuning/minprintspace.xml                      |    1 +
 tuning/socketoptions.xml                      |    3 ++-
 tuning/syncalways.xml                         |    1 +
 tuning/usesendfile.xml                        |    1 +
 winbind/createkrb5conf.xml                    |    2 +-
 winbind/idmapbackend.xml                      |    1 +
 winbind/idmapgid.xml                          |    1 +
 winbind/idmapuid.xml                          |    1 +
 winbind/templatehomedir.xml                   |    1 +
 winbind/templateshell.xml                     |    1 +
 winbind/winbinddprivilegedsocketdirectory.xml |    1 +
 winbind/winbinddsocketdirectory.xml           |    1 +
 winbind/winbindmaxdomainconnections.xml       |    1 +
 winbind/winbindnssinfo.xml                    |    2 +-
 winbind/winbindrpconly.xml                    |    2 +-
 winbind/winbindseparator.xml                  |    1 +
 wins/dnsproxy.xml                             |    1 +
 wins/winsserver.xml                           |    3 ++-
 wins/winssupport.xml                          |    1 +
 178 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

Andrew Bartlett                       http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team  http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Catalyst IT          http://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba

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