Generating loadparm from our XML documentation

Volker Lendecke Volker.Lendecke at SerNet.DE
Thu Jan 9 06:51:19 MST 2014

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:02:57AM +1300, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> The new and any future generator is written in pure python,
> using the builtin ElementTree, and by design requires no more of the
> build host than the rest of our build system already does. 

What minimum python version does this require?

> As to if the XML documentation is the best source, I think it is.  While
> XML is a highly frustrating language, it is structured, and we have
> demonstrated the use of the python ElementTree API to read it and
> extract the relevant elements, without disturbing the generation of the
> manpages.   

Ok, you got a point here. I just hope that the internship
does not end half-way and we end up with just yet another
half-done situation that nobody has the energy to really
push through to the end. Every now and then we throw in
sprinkles of stuff without any real direction that anybody
can follow with years of time in between. If Garming has to
stop working before everything is done, we will drop it
again for years. If there is a slight chance that Garming
moves on before he is done with it, I would rather not
change the current situation at all, bad as it might be.

Please also take care of talloc_reference before you put in
the XML autogeneration.



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