what about posix ACLs of samba 4.1.6 is that version broken

nikos sarantopoulos nsarantopoulos68 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 05:29:10 MDT 2014

whatever i did i event succeed to make samba-tool make the the domain
provisions with the acls work even though in the file system using centos 6
are acls and user xattr and make the test the setfattr getfattr etc all
succed those tests the samba tool complains there is no posix acl, is it
still under development or is it broken the tool?, should i go back to
samba 4.0?

thank you

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 2:16 PM, nikos sarantopoulos <
nsarantopoulos68 at gmail.com> wrote:

> whatever i did i event succeed to make samba-tool make the the domain
> provisions with the acls work even though in the file system using centos 6
> are acls and user xattr and make the test the setfattr getfattr etc all
> succed those tests the samba tool complains there is no posix acl, is it
> still under development or is it broken the tool?, should i go back to
> samba 4.0?
> thank you
> Nikos sarantopoulos

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