Code generated from IDL could generate more useful messages

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Mon May 27 22:05:54 MDT 2013

Hi folks,

I am not sure if this is fixed in master, but I noticed this in

sub ParseArrayPullGetSize($$$$$$)
        $self->pidl("size_$e->{NAME}_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX} = $size;");
        my $array_size = "size_$e->{NAME}_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX}";

        if (my $range = has_property($e, "range")) {
                my ($low, $high) = split(/,/, $range, 2);
                $self->pidl("\treturn ndr_pull_error($ndr,
NDR_ERR_RANGE, \"value out of range\");");

It would be nice if this last had something like:

   \"value %u out of range $low..$high\",

Giving us more informative error messages is useful. It seems that the
range property appears in lots of places, so it would be nice if there
was more info on a failure to parse a field that had a range

Richard Sharpe

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