Conflicts between access_check in [MS_DTYP].pdf and se_access_check in Samba

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Thu Mar 7 11:13:21 MST 2013

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Richard Sharpe
<realrichardsharpe at> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I just checked section of [MS_DTYP].pdf and it seems that
> there are some differences that might be important.
> This is what access_check is described as doing. It takes a Security
> Descriptor, an Auth Context and an Access Mask. (It takes a couple
> more parameters but that is not important here.)
> Firstly, check to see if SECURITY_ACCESS is required and if so, if the
> Auth Context contains SeSecurityPrivilege, remove that bit from Access
> Mask.
> Then, check if WRITE_DAC is required and if so, if the Auth Context
> contains SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, remove that bit from the Access
> Mask.
> (Actually, these are slightly confusing in the document, but I think
> this is the intent.)
> Then, check if Auth Context contains the Owner Sid from the Security
> Descriptor, and if so, remove WRITE_DAC and READ_CONTROL from the
> Access Mask. (Note, this has to change a bit because of OWNER_RIGHTS)
> Then, For Each ACE in DACL DO
>     if ACE.Flag does not contain INHERIT ONLY then
>         case ACE.Type:
>         ALLOWED: If ACE.Trustee is in the Auth Context, remove those
> bits in ACE.AccessMask that are also in Access Mask
>         DENIED: If ACE.Trustee is in the Auth Context and any bits in
> ACE.AccessMask remain in the Access Mask, return STATUS_DENIED. (This
> is important. See below.)
>         end case
>     fi
> done
> The fact that access checking stops on hitting the first DENIED bit is
> why Microsoft says that Denied Entries should appear before Allowed
> Entries and is different than the way Samba does things.
> In particular, if an ACL is ordered in the canonical manner as prescribed by MS:
>     Explicit Deny ACEs
>     Explicit Allow ACEs
>     Inherited Deny ACEs
>     Inherited Allow ACEs
> Then there are cases where se_access_check in Samba will deny access
> when Windows would no.
> For example, if there was an ACL containing:
>     Allow: R,W:Explicit
>     Deny:W,WDAC:Inherited
> Windows would allow an open that only asked for R,W access while Samba
> would Deny it I believe (because we add back the denied bits in
> se_access_check:
>         /* Explicitly denied bits always override */
>         bits_remaining |= explicitly_denied_bits;
> )
> There is discussion on the web that the MS approach allows true
> discretionary control in that the owner of a file or folder can
> override inherited DENY bits if they desire.
> I will try to work up some examples to check if this is correct.

OK, I have verified that Windows does it the way that section
of [MS-DTYP].pdf describes.

This means that there will be cases where Samba will DENY access when
Windows would ALLOW access.

This is not a security violation, I believe.

I will try to work up a patch to fix this issue. I will likely create
a bug in bugzilla first.

Richard Sharpe

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