Internal DNS server. Failure, when a client a) registers an IP b) deletes that IP c) registers again

Kai Blin kai at
Sat Jun 1 01:57:47 MDT 2013

On 01/06/13 09:48, Michael Wood wrote:

Hi Michael,

> You both misunderstood my proposal.
> I was proposing to get rid of the following (IMO misleading) options:
> allow dns updates = yes
> allow dns updates = true
> allow dns updates = 1
> allow dns updates = on
> allow dns updates = enabled
> I was NOT proposing to get rid of the following:
> allow dns updates = nonsecure and secure
> allow dns updates = nonsecure
> I hope that clarifies my proposal.

Fair enough. :) I still argue that the moment we go near that code, we 
should fix it to read the settings from AD and not smb.conf. :)


Kai Blin
Worldforge developer
Wine developer
Samba team member

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