"well known SID's" vs. BUILTIN -- the same? or overlap, or how to make them different?

Linda A. Walsh law at tlinx.org
Tue Jan 29 03:41:56 MST 2013

When I add well known groups to my 3.6.8 setup, like Administrators,
it doesn't show up in

>  net sam list groups

All the ones I setup as Domain groups show up:

# net sam list groups
Group Policy Creator Owners
Domain Admins
Domain Users
Domain Guest
Domain Guests
Domain Computers
Cert Publishers
Schema Admins
Enterprise Admins

 But netmap shows:

# ./show_samba_wellknown_gids |perl -pe 's/\s*\|/:/g ; 

---:---------:-- -------:--------:---
548:Account Operators:Account Operators:Well-known:S-1-5-32-552
520:Group Policy Creator Owners:Group Policy Creator 
512:Domain Admins:Domain Admins:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-512
513:Domain Users:Domain Users:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-513
501:Domain Guest:Domain Guest:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-501
514:Domain Guests:Domain Guests:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-514
547:Power Users:Power Users:Well-known:S-1-5-32-547
515:Domain Computers:Domain Computers:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-515
550:Print Operators:Print Operators:Well-known:S-1-5-32-550
517:Cert Publishers:Cert Publishers:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-517
516:Domain Controllers:Domain Controllers:Well-known:S-1-5-32-516
518:Schema Admins:Schema Admins:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-518
519:Enterprise Admins:Enterprise Admins:Domain:S-1-5-21-<DOM>-519
551:Backup Operators:Backup Operators:Well-known:S-1-5-32-551

 From a remote client, I only see the Domain groups -- None of the well 
known groups.

Why are they hidden and AFAIK, it won't let you add/subtract members from
them like it does the Domain Groups.


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