Joining Samba 4.0.1 AD DC to Win2k3 domain

Marc Muehlfeld samba at
Wed Jan 23 06:43:08 MST 2013

Am 23.01.2013 00:52, schrieb Carlos Miguel Bustillo Rdguez:
> Thank you four your response Marc:
> For testing I poweroff my Win2k3 DC and the domain remained available
> (authentication and logon works fine!)

Yes, this is correct. But you have to transfer the roles.

> To transfer the FSMO roles syntax:
>     samba-tool fsmo seize --role={name}
> for all roles:
>     samba-tool fsmo seize --role=all
> Is correct??

Yes, but naming role will fail. Even if it shows later that the new samba will 
have all roles, the failure message makes me nervous and I won't trust, if 
everything is 100% transfered. :-)

> I have seen

But as you can see in my bug report, the naming FSMO gives an error when you 
try to transfer it.


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