Using talloc in an embedded windows project

Matthieu Patou mat at
Sun Jan 20 22:37:53 MST 2013

On 01/19/2013 11:11 PM, Rodney Elliott wrote:
> Greetings All,
> My apologies if the following discussion is better-suited to another Samba
> mailing list. If it is, please let me know which one and I shall move there
> instead.
> I would like to be able to use talloc in an upcoming embedded project, but am
> having difficulty determining if such a thing is possible, and if so, how to
> go about it.
> The target in question is an ARM7 with a CortexM3 core, and I am using a
> vendor-supplied IDE (Cypress PSoC Creator 2.2) under Windows 7 for code
> development. The IDE uses the ARM GCC 4.4.1 compiler.
> Thanks to the helpful folks on Stack Overflow, I have recently learnt that
> talloc uses waf to create the config.h file whose absence is currently
> preventing me from being able to successfully include talloc in my project.
> Poking around in the .\buildfiles folder of the talloc tarball I downloaded,
> it appears that it is not possible to use python and waf to create config.h
> under Windows. Having almost no experience with linux however, I may well be
> wrong.
It shouldn't be too complicated to fix the build for windows I think 
talloc is not a very complicated problem.

What are the errors that you have with talloc on windows ?


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