can't join an existing domain with short name

Kenneth Armstrong karmstrong at
Mon Jan 14 07:50:20 MST 2013

I'm trying to join a Samba4 DC to an existing Windows Domain that only has a
short name 'CATCOMTEC2.'  The original admin that set it up didn't do
something like catcomtec2.local,, etc.


When I try to join, I get this in my output:


ERROR(<class 'samba.provision.ProvisioningError'>): uncaught exception -
ProvisioningError: guess_names: Realm 'CATCOMTEC2' must not be equal to
short domain name 'CATCOMTEC2'!


I saw that there was a bug request filed a couple of years ago, but
cancelled similar to this:


However, I don't have a choice.  Obviously I can not change the domain name
since this one is in production.  Any thoughts on how I can work around


Kenny Armstrong

Operations Systems Administrator

Catalyst Communications Technologies <> 

Office: (434) 582-6146


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