Samba 4 internal DNS question

Mark Pilant lpilant at
Tue Feb 5 12:27:43 MST 2013

Hi Günter.

> samba-tool dns query localhost yourdomain.lan @ ALL

Thank you.  This helped a great deal.

Looking over the results, it is as I expected; there are no AAAA records
for the systems I'm using.  Actually, thinking back on this, it is to be
expected because when I did the original Samba provisioning, I did not have
IPv6 enabled in the network interfaces.

So this brings up another question :-)

Is there a way to enable Samba 4 to handle IPv6 (DNS) traffic after it has
been provisioned with only IPv4?  I have spent most of the day searching
the web and looking at the various (Python) scripts to try and get an
answer.  So far, the answer has eluded me.  I hope it isn't the case where
I need to get rid of everything and do the provisioning now that I have
IPv6 (properly) enabled on the interfaces.

Thank in advance.

- Mark

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