[PATCH} Implement SMB3/SMB3 in smbclient and smbcacls (and generic client library).

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Wed Aug 14 11:47:58 MDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:36:33AM -0700, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> Especially as with your new code reading files
> is now broken :-(. Example with my test file of
> 3695179776 byes against Windows Server 2012:
> bin/smbclient // -mSMB3  --send-buffer=0
> Domain=[WIN-4QBFHKK7F2P] OS=[] Server=[]
> smb: \> get en_windows_server_2012_x64_dvd_915478.iso 
> Which didn't happen with the earlier change (without
> the re-written cli_pull()/push()).
> Yes I know this is just a bug with the new cli_pull/push
> code (which we'll have to track down and fix) but
> wouldn't it be easier to have working SMB2 read/write,
> then debug the changed cli_pull/push code afterwards ?

I'm pretty sure this is us running out of credits.
Usually that's what causes the server to send a
FIN back.


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