[Samba] segfault Re: Errors, errors, errors in log

David Disseldorp ddiss at suse.de
Tue Apr 30 05:00:56 MDT 2013

On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:39:05 +0400
Александр Свиридов <ooo_saturn7 at mail.ru> wrote:

>  Yes, I compiled it from source. So, as far as I uderstand you, you suggest me to delete samba and install it again from source.
> If I am right, than I have three questions. 
> 1) How can I save current AD settings, to upload them into new samba?

Running make install should not overwrite any runtime state. That said,
backups are always encouraged.

> 2) As I understand I have revision: 5727bfa. It has a meaning to install new revision only if new revision has the necessary fix. But how can I check it?

After updating your source tree, you can check to see whether the
proposed fix is included by running git log.

Please see:

Cheers, David

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