GSoC -- Possible projects

Aurélien Aptel aurelien.aptel at
Wed Apr 24 15:00:20 MDT 2013

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Matthieu Patou <mat at> wrote:
> Well you'd better be conservative and target one project and if it turns out
> that you can do 2 then do two rather than target 2 and then do only one.

Ok. I'm more interested in the libarchive one then. I'll write my
proposal on it.

> Is it just a pure rewrite or do you plan do add more functionalities ?

I guess I would start by re-implementing the existing features and
improve on it afterwards.

> I had a quick look and it seems that we have already some registry binding
> in Python : bin/python/samba/dcerpc/ and some tests:
> bin/python/samba/tests/

Good to know.

> Did you had a look at ?

Yes, that's where I started :)

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