should the outcome of samba-tool dns query ... be changed?

Günter Kukkukk linux at
Fri Apr 5 23:18:11 MDT 2013

During my current work on the internal dns server, i _always_ got
confused with the outcome of the "complete" (?) internal dns info
when using e.g.
   samba-tool dns query <dns_server> <zone> @ ALL

Compared to the wellknown bind "flat ASCII zone" file info
published on _many_ websites (burned into my head) - the
current output of "samba-tool .." is just strange.

Probably users will start to parse the outcome of "samba-tool ..."
using scripts.

Is it OK to make that output more "bind ASCII flatfile" ?

Current outcome:
samba-tool dns query linux300 intranet01.hom @ ALL
  Name=, Records=3, Children=0
    SOA: serial=55, refresh=900, retry=600, expire=86400, ns=linux300.intranet01.hom., email=hostmaster.intranet01.hom. 
(flags=600000f0, serial=55, ttl=3600)
    NS: linux300.intranet01.hom. (flags=600000f0, serial=1, ttl=900)
    A: (flags=600000f0, serial=110, ttl=900)
  Name=_msdcs, Records=0, Children=0
  Name=_sites, Records=0, Children=1
  Name=_tcp, Records=0, Children=4
  Name=_test, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=7, ttl=900)
  Name=_udp, Records=0, Children=2
  Name=alias, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: @. (flags=f0, serial=55, ttl=900)
  Name=arpa, Records=0, Children=1
  Name=berlin, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: linux300.intranet01.hom. (flags=f0, serial=54, ttl=900)
  Name=DomainDnsZones, Records=0, Children=2
  Name=ForestDnsZones, Records=0, Children=2
  Name=gkkkweb, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: linux300. (flags=f0, serial=52, ttl=900)
  Name=gkkkwebnew, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: linux300. (flags=f0, serial=53, ttl=900)
  Name=guenter, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: www.intranet01.hom. (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=kukkukk, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: www.intranet01.hom. (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=linux300, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=900)
  Name=mail, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=mailsrv, Records=1, Children=0
    MX: mail.intranet01.hom. (10) (flags=f0, serial=13, ttl=900)
  Name=mailsrv1, Records=1, Children=0
    MX: mail. (20) (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=new-web, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: linux300.intranet01.hom. (flags=f0, serial=51, ttl=900)
  Name=nickname, Records=0, Children=0
  Name=wrong3, Records=0, Children=0
  Name=wrong5, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=17, ttl=900)
  Name=wrong7, Records=2, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
    TXT: "This is a test" (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=wrong8, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)
  Name=www, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=110, ttl=86400)

PLEASE NOTE - this FIRST approach is NOT complete..
bin/samba-tool dns query linux300 intranet01.hom @ ALL
@               IN SOA  linux300.intranet01.hom. hostmaster.intranet01.hom. (
                            55  ; serial number of this zone file
                           900  ; slave refresh
                           600  ; slave retry time in case of a problem
                         86400  ; slave expiration time
                          3600  ; maximum caching time in case of failed lookups
@               NS linux300.intranet01.hom.

                 NS     linux300.intranet01.hom.
_test            A
alias            CNAME  @. 
berlin           CNAME  linux300.intranet01.hom. 
gkkkweb          CNAME  linux300. 
gkkkwebnew       CNAME  linux300. 
guenter          CNAME  www.intranet01.hom. 
kukkukk          CNAME  www.intranet01.hom. 
linux300         A
mail             A
mailsrv          MX     10 mail.intranet01.hom.
mailsrv1         MX     20 mail.
new-web          CNAME  linux300.intranet01.hom. 
wrong5           A
wrong7           A
TXT: "This is a test"
wrong8           A
www              A

At least this new "picture" shows that some entries with the terminating dot "." - used
to say that a _complete_ dns name is used here - are BADLY written here!
(whether client updates - or samba-tool .... - I don't know atm)

Cheers, Günter

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