"Clock skew too great" but clocks synchronized?

simo idra at samba.org
Sat Sep 29 07:58:05 MDT 2012

On Sat, 2012-09-29 at 13:50 +0200, Christian Huldt wrote:
> A short time ago I stopped being able to login to a samba 3.6.3 member server on a domain a samba4 beta8 dc ,
> kinit on he member reported "Clock skew too great" but the time was on 4 seconds off, and even after synchronizing the clocks I still get the same message.
> date -u and date are the same on both machines.
> I just don't understand it at all. Please, could some one think of anything?

Are you sure the time zone is the same ?


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer <simo at samba.org>
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc. <simo at redhat.com>

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