Did anybody test smbclient4 against smbd4 using SMB2
Jun Yi
yi.jun.mail at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 11:43:12 MDT 2012
Thanks Andrew,
Let's first clarify the version I used. I use the master branch, e.g.,
version 4.1.0, for both client and server sides.
I run smbclient4 at the client side:
junyij at junyij] ./smbclient4
Version 4.1.0pre1-DEVELOPERBUILD
junyij at junyij] ./smbclient4 -m SMB2 -W smb-workgroup -U junyij
Connection to \\localhost\share1 failed - NT_STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH
I run sbmd at the server side with configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
junyij at junyij] sudo ./smbd
Version 4.1.0pre1-DEVELOPERBUILD
sudo ./smbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf -d 10 -l smbd-4
junyij at junyij] cat
workgroup = smb-workgroup
max protocol = SMB2
min protocol = SMB2
path = /tmp
The generated log file ./smbd-4/log.smbd and the captured txt file (using
filter tcp.port == 445 for wireshark) are attached in this email.
Please forgive me that I used a very old wireshark which can save it as
pcap file.
Thanks and earnestly wait for your reply.
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-09-25 at 01:14 -0700, Jun Yi wrote:
> > Dear everybody,
> >
> > I want to give a shout "Did anybody test smbclient4 against smbd4 using
> > SMB2". I failed to do so. I always got the error
> > NT_STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH. I don't believe that my configuration is
> > wrong. I am checking the source code, but I really want somebody to tell
> me
> > if they have done it and succeeded.
> I'm a little confused by the way you are describing the components you
> are using, as we don't produce a smbd4.
> Either way, perhaps it would help if we went back to basics. In master,
> it seems that the smbclient binaries can use SMB2, but smbclient4
> cannot.
> Can you show your configuration? How are you selecting smb2 on the
> client and server?
> What exact version are you running?
> What exact command fails? What is the full error?
> If my explanation above isn't enough, an you provide a .pcap network
> capture and level 10 log?
> Andrew Bartlett
> --
> Andrew Bartlett http://samba.org/~abartlet/
> Authentication Developer, Samba Team http://samba.org
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