samba 4 rc1: internal dns
michele at
Mon Sep 17 01:35:22 MDT 2012
On 15/09/2012 10:31, Rowland Penny wrote:
>> So, except to rebuild the dns client, I haven't possibility to update
>> dns?
>> From my point of view this is a big limit since it does not give the
>> possibility of "./configure && make && make install + samba-tool
>> domain join" and enjoy ;)
>> Thanks,
>> Michele
> Well if you are compiling & installing samba4 you are 99% of the way
> there, you just need an nsupdate command that recognises -g, so you may
> have to compile bind9-utils or find a ready made package.
> What OS are you using? because you seem to be the only one that is
> having this problem. It may be, once we know your OS, somebody may be
> able to offer further advice.
> Rowland
Debian 4.
I know that it's quite old, but it's the unique server that now I have
near me for try a samba3-to-samba4 switch.
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