About secondary DNS Server on Samba4 RC1
Carlos Miguel Bustillo Rodriguez
cbustillo at uclv.edu.cu
Fri Sep 14 09:25:01 MDT 2012
Is possible to set a secondary DNS Server when join Samba4 RC1 to existing Windows 2k8 Domain???
When I start manually replications of DNS data from Samba4 to a Windows Domain Controllor, I get the following error:
root at samba1:~# samba-tool drs replicate msad1.uclv2.cu samba1.uclv2.cu DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=uclv2,DC=cu -Uadministrator
Password for [UCLV2\administrator]:
ERROR(<class 'samba.drs_utils.drsException'>): DsReplicaSync failed - drsException: DsReplicaSync failed (8452, 'WERR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA')
File "/usr/local/samba/lib/python2.6/site-packages/samba/netcmd/drs.py", line 334, in run
drs_utils.sendDsReplicaSync(self.drsuapi, self.drsuapi_handle, source_dsa_guid, NC, req_options)
File "/usr/local/samba/lib/python2.6/site-packages/samba/drs_utils.py", line 83, in sendDsReplicaSync
raise drsException("DsReplicaSync failed %s" % estr)
root at samba1:~#
But when the replications is from Windows DC to Samba4 work fine:
# samba-tool drs replicate samba1.uclv2.cu msad1.uclv2.cu DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=uclv2,DC=cu --local
# samba-tool drs replicate samba1.uclv2.cu msad1.uclv2.cu DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=uclv2,DC=cu --local
How to start manually replications of DNS data from Samba4 to a Windows Domain Controllor?
I know that the replication of DNS data from one AD server to another may not work.
Regards, Carlos
La Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas en su 60 Aniversario. Fundada el 30 de noviembre de 1952. Vis?tenos en: http://www.uclv.edu.cu
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