RHEL6 init.d script (was Re: Initscript Debian Wheezy)
Ricky Nance
ricky.nance at weaubleau.k12.mo.us
Thu Sep 6 11:52:16 MDT 2012
Sorry that was a pastefail!... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189110/
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 10:23:03AM -0500, Ricky Nance wrote:
> > Marc, odd thing happened to me just now. I just spent the last 20 mins
> > troubleshooting slow/unresponsive windows machines (across the network)
> > because smbd 'hung' and samba had died (well I had restarted it and smbd
> > didn't die as it should have). Not trying to be snide with this, but
> please
> > explain to me again how this can't happen? Check the last couple of lines
> > here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189108/ . I agree with you this shouldn't
> > ever be a problem, but it is on occasion, and the init script didn't
> > perform as expected (making sure the processes are actually dead before
> say
> > 'OK' on the stop line). Also, there has never been an ability to run smbd
> > and samba at the same time unless samba spawned it (otherwise samba just
> > fails to run right if smbd is running first), and I am always within a
> few
> > days of the current git as I am constantly testing things for the
> project.
> > As for the PID causing samba to not start that I was referring to, I
> think
> > it must have been this commit
> >
> http://gitweb.samba.org/?p=samba.git;a=commit;h=d6bba7bf1a77244bc47eaeef67bb9680175ec0bcbut
> > I do recall something that Jeremy Allison patched (I think) so this
> > may
> > not be the one I am thinking of, but either way that issue has been
> > resolved.
> >
> > Here is a backtrace of the smbd process that had died, but failed to
> > terminate.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189108/
> That isn't a backtrace, it's a process list.
> Jeremy.
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