Moving a s4 DC to a different host

Marc Muehlfeld Marc.Muehlfeld at
Tue Oct 30 07:25:37 MDT 2012


sorry for the delay. I had no time to move the DC during the last week. I plan 
this for tomorrow.

 >> we have to move our samba4 DC (we just have one DC at the moment) to a
 >> different host with different name/IP. What would be the best way for that?
 > - Install bind/samba/etc. as in the s4 wiki on the new host
 > - Join the new machine as DC like described here:
 > - Copy sysvol content to the new server
 > - Move fsmo roles before demote
 > - Unjoin the domain (samba-tool domain demote) on the old server
 > - Remove everything of s4 from the old server

I have one open question left:
Is there anything I have to mention about DNS? I want to use Bind as backend 
on the new machine, too. In the "Join a domain as a DC" howto, there's no 
information about DNS.

Is DNS automatically replicated? Or do I have to copy anything by myself? On 
which place I tell samba to store the DNS information in a way so Bind will 
use them (We want to keep bind and not to use the internal DNS).


Marc Muehlfeld (IT-Leiter)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin
Dr. Klein, Dr. Rost und Kollegen
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-780

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