Sites and DNS

Kev Latimer klatimer at
Tue Mar 27 03:04:47 MDT 2012

On 27/03/2012 09:34, Kai Blin wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2012-03-27 09:53, Kev Latimer wrote:
>> No probs, on it's way as soon as I've re-provisioned against
>> master.
> Great. The internal server hasn't seen that much testing yet, so there
> will be the odd bug hidden somewhere.
Okay, reprovisioned, debug level set to 2 in smb.conf, made sure it's 
all working okay, renamed default site, stopped Samba, cleared log.samba 
to remove any guff (mainly my XP test machine trying so desperately to 
find it's AV update source!), started up again and manually ran 
samba_dnsupdate.  Resulting log file for the few seconds it took to give 
the FORMERR again is nearly 800k, which is over the pastbin max so I've 
gzipped and uploaded it to my personal webspace here: (probably not strictly good 
netiquette but hope that's okay).



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