SEC_PRIV_TAKE_OWNERSHIP not respected in se_access_check in Samba 3.6 (v3-6-test)

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Sun Feb 19 11:15:03 MST 2012


In libcli/security/access_check.c::se_access_check it seems that there
should be a section like this:

        if ((bits_remaining & SEC_RIGHTS_PRIV_BACKUP) &&
            security_token_has_privilege(token, SEC_PRIV_BACKUP)) {
                bits_remaining &= ~(SEC_RIGHTS_PRIV_BACKUP);

+        if ((bits_remaining & SEC_STD_WRITE_OWNER) &&
+           security_token_has_privilege(token, SEC_PRIV_TAKE_OWNERSHIP)) {
+                bits_remaining &= ~(SEC_STD_WRITE_OWNER);
+       }
        /* a NULL dacl allows access */
        if ((sd->type & SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT) && sd->dacl == NULL) {
                *access_granted = access_desired;
                return NT_STATUS_OK;

Otherwise, how does a user who has the take ownership privilege do so?

Richard Sharpe

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