Existing Samba4 Domain and OpenChange

Scott Jordahl scott at jordahl.com
Wed Aug 29 17:23:49 MDT 2012

I'm looking to add SOGo/OpenChange to an existing Samba4 domain 
environment and confused on how to configure it. I'm going to be testing 
OpenChange installed on it's own VM. The OpenChange documentation 
explains how to provision/configure Samba4 as a new domain, but no where 
does it discuss what to do when an existing Samba4 domain already 
exists. Do I treat the OpenChange samba4 server as a DC? And if so, do I 
add the OpenChange parameters to my main Samba4 domain server smb.conf 
file as well? Or, do I just create a completely separate domain on the 
OpenChange server for it to use locally? If so, I'll of course lose 
single sign-on capability. I'll ask this question of the OpenChange team 
also, but thought the answer may come from this group.


-- Scott

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