Releasing Samba 4.0 RC1?

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at
Fri Aug 17 15:52:44 MDT 2012

On Fri, 2012-08-17 at 13:46 -0300, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
> Hi Andrew,

> I deal with a lot of Microsoft lovers that often diminish the power of 
> open source software and Samba is a keystone for Unix/linux system to 
> stay strong in server environments and for gaining new desktops everyday 
> and I defend it as the great product it is, just don't want those guys 
> something to ground their critics.
> Regards,

G'day Juan Pablo,

I understand your concern, and we may very well ship Samba 4.0 with a
general caution on multi-DC use (also because we do not have a file
systems replication protocol for sysvol yet).

However, as you would have seen elsewhere in this thread, there is a
cost to constantly calling this a beta:  network administrators who have
tested Samba carefully and do have Samba 4.0 working very well for them
are forced to argue why their networks should be trusted the beta
software.  We know our code isn't perfect, but our automated testing
also shows it is pretty good, and we also need to show some of the same
confidence our users are already putting in it.

We will not stop working to address the very real issues that do come
up, but we should draw a line in the sand and say 'our users can
confidently use this'.  

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                      
Authentication Developer, Samba Team 

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