gentest against s4?

tridge at tridge at
Tue Feb 15 15:59:51 MST 2011

Hi Volker,

 > Notify count inconsistent 0 1
 > Failed at operation 42 - NTRENAME

ok, notify is a very async type of test

 > Mismatch in internal_information.out.file_id - 0x808000a2ace 0x808000a2acf
 > Failed at operation 244 - QFILEINFO

that means we aren't using a igniore file for the file_id. We expect
file_id to be different between sessions.

 > How are we supposed to handle this situation?

We should run with a --ignore=gentest_ignore.txt option, and create
the ignore file in the tree. It should probably look like this:


there may be some others we need to add. If you get stuck let me know.

Cheers, Tridge

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