Error in Samba Python Bindings - NetShareAdd and NetShareSetInfo

Dhananjay Sathe dhananjaysathe at
Fri Aug 12 06:13:05 MDT 2011

Really sorry, I forgot to mention , this error occurs when testing against a
Samba 4 server.

Thanks !

Dhananjay Deepak Sathe | +919764871950
dhananjaysathe at,dhananjaysathe at,f2009260 at,<f2009260 at>
Blog :
3rd Year Undergraduate,
BE(Hons) Electronics and Instrumentation,
BITS Pilani Goa Campus.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Dhananjay Sathe
<dhananjaysathe at>wrote:

> Hello all,
> One of the major bugs plaguing my project has been the random error in the
> python samba bindings where in the basic NetShareSetInfo and NetShareAdd
> that returns RuntimeError: (1, 'WERR_BADFUNC') on attempt to add/modify  a
> share.
> I had initially written about this error in a mail dated 31 May 2011, and
> have informed Jelmer, Kai and Andreas about the same .
> A few days ago , my mentor , jelmer has asked  me to create a trivial sript
> to help reproduce this error and post it to this list , hence helping
> identify the issues and help resolve it
> Here this script tries to add a share object to the rpc server using the
> method via the srvsvc pipe object.
> The same error is thrown up on attempt to modify or delete the share
> object.
> The script needs youy to enter your creds in the top section for it to
> work.
> Here is the script : (I have also attached a rw text .py file )
> ########### test script ######################
> username = "" #required
> password = "" #required
> server_address = "" #required
> transport_type = 0 # you could try 0,1,2
> #import sys
> #sys.path.append('/usr/local/samba/lib/python2.7/site-packages/')
> # uncomment / modify as required depending on how samba has been installe
> don your system
> from samba import credentials
> from samba.dcerpc import (
>     srvsvc,
>     security,
>     )
> # check if required params are set
> if username is "" or password is "" or server_address is "":
>     print "PLEASE first set the parameters at the top of this script"
>     exit()
> # first i set up the credentials
> creds = credentials.Credentials()
> creds.set_domain('')
> creds.set_workstation('')
> creds.set_username(username)
> creds.set_password(password)
> server_unc = ''.join(['\\',server_address])
> # selecting binding type
> binding=['ncacn_np:%s', 'ncacn_ip_tcp:%s', 'ncalrpc:%s'][transport_type]
> pipe = srvsvc.srvsvc(binding % server_address,credentials=creds)
> # Now i define a trivial share object of share type 502
> share = srvsvc.NetShareInfo502()
> = unicode('test')
> share.comment = unicode('test share')
> share.type = 0 # setting it up as a disktree for the purpose of this test ,
> no special flags
> share.current_users = 0x00000000
> share.max_users= 0xFFFFFFFF
> share.password = unicode('')
> share.path = unicode('C:\\usr\\local') # some random path
> share.permissions = 0 # reserved , has to defined to 0 as in MS-Srvs
> share.sd_buf =  security.sec_desc_buf()
> # Now i define parm error as given in srvs
> parm_error = 0x00000000
> # This is where i attempt to add the shgare to the server and the part that
> is failing
> # parm_error should be 0x00000000 to indicate success
> # currently it returns RuntimeError: (1, 'WERR_BADFUNC')
> parm_error = pipe.NetShareAdd(server_unc, 502, share,parm_error)
> ############## end of test script ###############
> Hope this this helps resolve the error.
> Thanks For your support and time.
> Cheers !!!
> Dhananjay Deepak Sathe | +919764871950
> dhananjaysathe at,dhananjaysathe at,f2009260 at,<f2009260 at>
> Blog :
> 3rd Year Undergraduate,
> BE(Hons) Electronics and Instrumentation,
> BITS Pilani Goa Campus.

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