[GSoC] Adding remote RPC support for samba 3 configuration

Vicentiu Ciorbaru cvicentiu at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 02:56:48 MDT 2011


I want to thank you for accepting my proposal for GSoC. I apologise for
not being available earlier, as I've been caught up in mid-term exams.

At the moment i don't have constant internet access, I will be on IRC 
starting thursday. If you can, please let me know the IRC nick of my
mentor since I saw a different person assigned to me than the original
idea poster.

In the meantime I am going to spend some time getting more familiar with
git and RPCs. If you have some important documentation that you think I
should read ASAP, please let me know.

Also, I understood that the idea of the project has changed from the
original wiki post so if you can provide more details, that would be
great. If time is an issue at the moment I will be online on IRC to
discuss it after Thursday 5th of May.

Vicentiu Ciorbaru

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