dirsync review

Matthieu Patou mat at samba.org
Sat Apr 16 01:54:23 MDT 2011

Hi tridge,

So I pushed on my repo 

A fix that integrate all your remarks for the first part, and for the 
second I'll start soon now but we agreed that it's fair to have in 
master a version that is working then we (I) will make it fast(er).

On 22/03/2011 03:59, tridge at samba.org wrote:
> Hi Matthieu,
> Andrew and I looked over the dirsync code today. Impressive work!
> The comments below are in two parts. One is "micro" comments on the
> individual lines of code. The other is higher level comments on the
> broad approach taken.
> Here are the 'micro' comments:
>   - the strncmp() in rootdse.c for LDB_CONTROL_DIRSYNC_OID should be a
>     strcmp(), otherwise it will match other OIDs (OIDs can be different
>     lengths)
>   - the DSDB_CONTROL_DIRSYNC_RELAX_CHECK_OID doesn't seem to be ever
>     set. It's used in acl_read, but not set anywhere. Did you miss a
>     patch?
>   - DSDB_CONTROL_DIRSYNC_RELAX_CHECK_OID might be better implemented as
>     a handle flag, like LDB_HANDLE_FLAG_UNTRUSTED. The control works,
>     but adding/checking controls is a lot more expensive than flags.
>   - it might be better to call dsdb_module_search_ex() something like
>     dsdb_module_search_tree(). Otherwise next time we add a new feature
>     we'll end up with ex2 and so on :-)
>   - a talloc_free(tmp_ctx) is missing when ldb_parse_tree() fails in
>     dsdb_module_search()
>   - in dirsync_ldb_search() the ldb_dn_is_special() check should be
>     earlier, before dsc is allocated
>   - same with the ldb_request_get_control() call
>   - the check for it being critical can come before the
>     talloc_get_type() call
>   - you need to check if the dirsync_ctl is NULL after the
>     talloc_get_type() (as users could supply the control with no data)
>   - its best to make attribute lists the same scope as the call, so
>     they are easier to find in the code, so acl_attrs[] should be
>     declared inside the LDAP_DIRSYNC_OBJECT_SECURITY if() check
>   - you don't need to check for acl_res->count != 1 after a
>     dsdb_module_search_dn(). When searching on one dn, you either get 1
>     answer, or an error (its checked for inside the search)
>   - its nice to keep the talloc hierarchy when creating arrays, as it
>     makes debugging easier. so attrs[0] = talloc_asprintf(dsc, "*")
>     should be attrs[0] = talloc_asprintf(attrs, "*") (there are a few
>     other places like this)
>   - please use ldb_operr() instead of "return
>     LDB_ERR_OPERATIONS_ERROR", as that sets a error message with file
>     and line, so we can find the error (there are quite a few of these
>     in dirsync.c)
>   - Similarly, use ldb_error() instead of just returning a LDB_ERR_* in
>     modules, unless you know an error string is already set. It helps a
>     lot to get the ldap protocol to send back an error string saying
>     exactly what went wrong
>   - the code checks for failures of functions that do allocation in
>     some places but not others (eg. calls to ldb_attr_list_copy_add())
>   - in this code:
> 		attrs[0] = talloc_asprintf(dsc, "*");
> 		attrs[1] = "parentGUID";
>     why use a allocation for the first one, and a constant string for
>     the 2nd one? If it is needed for some reason, then I think a
>     comment would be useful :-)
>   - the function dirsync_ldb_search() adds a lot of controls. Do you
>     know if we should fail if the user already has specified one of
>     these? Should we do this for example:
> 	ret = ldb_request_add_control(req, LDB_CONTROL_SHOW_RECYCLED_OID, false, NULL);
> 		return ret;
> 	}
>   - its probably worth hanging most things off dsc instead of req, if
>     its related to the dirsync control, eg. the ldb_parse_tree in the
>     USN check. That will make it a bit easier to track down leaks if
>     they happen
>   - the code that creates the ldb_parse_tree structure would probably
>     be much clearer using talloc_asprintf() of an expression, and then
>     using that expression. Creating a ldb_parse_tree() manually does
>     work, but its very hard to read the code. For example, do this:
>       expression = talloc_asprintf(dsc, "(&%s(uSNChanged>=%llu))",
>                                    ldb_filter_from_tree(dsc, tree),
> 				  dsc->fromreqUSN + 1);
>     I know its less efficient than the code you have, but it is much
>     easier to read, and I don't think this function is speed critical
>   - saved_controls is never used, so just pass NULL to
>     ldb_save_controls() (we never use the saved controls in Samba, so
>     we should probably have a ldb_remove_control() function to make it
>     clearer)
>   - in the LDB_REPLY_REFERRAL handling, I think it would be worth
>     checking that the 8 chars that are being skipped really are what
>     you expect (ie. a ldap://)
>   - why the strange cast in this code:
> 		val = (struct ldb_val*)&res2->msgs[0]->elements[0].values[0].data;
>     perhaps that should be just:
> 		val =&res2->msgs[0]->elements[0].values[0];
>   - why steal the val here?
> 		talloc_steal(res->msgs[0]->elements, val);
>   - I think this code should just use ldb_oom():
> 		control = talloc_zero(ares->controls, struct ldb_dirsync_control);
> 		if (control == NULL) {
> 			return ldb_module_done(dsc->req, NULL, NULL, LDB_ERR_OPERATIONS_ERROR);
> 		}
>     (there are a few others like this)
>   - when allocating things like struct drsuapi_DsReplicaCursor, its
>     best to use talloc_zero() not talloc(). I think the code may have
>     left some fields unset.
>   - this looks very strange:
> 		cookie->blob.guid1 = *(talloc_steal(cookie, dsc->our_invocation_id));
>     I think you just want this:
> 		cookie->blob.guid1 = *dsc->our_invocation_id;
>   - use ldb_error() when returning errors for things like
>     ndr_push_struct_blob() so we have a record of what the error is in
>     the ldap response packet
>   - why use strncmp() here:
> 		if (strncmp(msg->elements[i].name, "uSNChanged", sizeof("uSNChanged") -1) == 0) {
>     I think strcmp() is correct. Otherwise you'll match things starting
>     with uSNChanged. You only really need strncmp() when you are
>     comparing with a blob that has a specified length, such as when it
>     is a ldb_val, and even then just doing the strncmp() isn't enough,
>     you'd have to check for the termination character.
>     There are several cases like this in the code, please check all
>     strncmp() calls in dirsync.c - I think they should all be strcmp()
>     or ldb_attr_cmp(). I think most of them should be ldb_attr_cmp() as
>     they are not case sensitive
>     There are also quite a few cases where the code uses strcmp() which
>     I suspect should be ldb_attr_cmp(), for example looking for
>     "instanceType"
>   - what is this for:
> 			val = strtoull((const char *)msg->elements[i].values[0].data, NULL, 0);
>     I don't think val is used afterwards?
>   - this is another cast and steal that I don't think is right:
> 			replMetaData = (struct ldb_val *)talloc_steal(dsc,&msg->elements[i].values[0].data);
>     (one is a structure, the other an element of the structure, this
>     could well cause a crash on some systems. The code relies on
>     structure order and structure packing, which is dangerous)
>     if you need the steal, then I think what you want is this:
>        	  	struct ldb_val replMetaData = data_blob_null;
> 		if (some_condition) {
> 		        replMetaData = msg->elements[i].values[0];
> 			talloc_steal(dsc, replMetaData.data);
> 		}
> 		/* later on .... */
> 		if (replMetaData.data != NULL) {
> 		   /* use it .... */
> 		}
>    - the O() analysis may be a bit optimistic, as
>      ldb_msg_remove_element() costs O(n), as it does a memmove(), so I
>      think its O(n^3). It may be better to first create a new array
>      equal in size to the old array, then populate it with ones that
>      match the filter.
>    - the check
>        tmp = strstr(txt, ",CN=Deleted Objects,");
>      doesn't look right. That string could appear anywhere in a DN, and
>      not have a special meaning.
>      Perhaps its better to check for the isDeleted attribute?
>    - this code looks a bit strange:
> 		tmpval.data = NULL;
> 		tmpval.length = 0;
> 		/* code cut out ..... */
> 		msg->dn = ldb_dn_from_ldb_val(msg, ldb,&tmpval);
>     do you just want the empty DN here? I think
>       ldb_dn_new(msg, ldb, "")
>     would be clearer if that is what's wanted
>    - in this code:
> 		for (i = msg->num_elements - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
> 			attr = dsdb_attribute_by_lDAPDisplayName(dsc->schema,
> 					msg->elements[i].name);
>      I can't see where attr ends up being used. Is it needed?
>   - in that same loop, it looks like what is being done is to remove
>     all elements if they aren't objectGUID. Perhaps just do this:
>      if (ldb_msg_find_element(msg, "objectGUID") != NULL) {
>         guidfound = true;
>      }
>   - the code to cope with guidfound==false seems strange. Under what
>     circumstances would we not be able to get the objectGUID if we ask
>     for it? Parsing the deleted objected DEL: string seems very strange
>     to me!
> Now for the 'broad' comments on the basic approach.
> One of the things that concerns me is the efficiency of the approach
> in the code. Let's say that a directory has 100k records, and someone
> uses dirsync to pull them all, 100 elements at a time. If I have
> understood the protocol correctly, then I think that means 1000 calls
> will be made, the first without a cookie and the rest with a cookie
> returned by the previous call.
> I think that the dirsync.c code as currently implemented will end up
> doing an unindexed search over all 100k elements in the database 1000
> times. So we are about 1000 times less efficient than we should be.
> An alternative approach is what the getncchanges.c code does, which is
> to load a list of matching objectGUIDs on the first step of the
> search, which we save in the guids[] array of
> drsuapi_getncchanges_state. Then subsequent calls return records from
> this list of GUIDs, by fetching those records one at a time. This
> means we only do one non-indexed search for a complete directory
> return.
> I think this same strategy could be used in dirsync. You'd keep a
> persistent set of dirsync state structures in the dirsync module
> private data. When a dirsync search comes in, then if it doesn't have
> a cookie then create a new one, and remember it. For real efficiency,
> use an idr tree.
> If the request did have a cookie then look it up in the idr tree, and
> get back the state structure for that request.
> The state structure would have an array of GUIDs that match the simple
> search uSNChanged>=N from the first search. That is a fairly compact
> representation of all the records that could be returned.
> Then the code would just walk this list, fetch each record one at a
> time, and adding it to the returned list if it matches. You'd have
> just one non-base search per set of dirsync calls.
> It might also be worth having a timer that deletes stale dirsync
> cookies, in case a caller asks for one then doesn't come back
> again. Does the spec talk about the state timing out?
> Do you think that approach would work?
> Cheers, Tridge

Matthieu Patou
Samba Team        http://samba.org
Private repo      http://git.samba.org/?p=mat/samba.git;a=summary

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