ldap_syntaxes.py tests - detailed log

Anatoliy Atanasov anatoliy.atanasov at postpath.com
Fri Nov 19 03:42:51 MST 2010

Hi Andrew,

Here's the how the log looks like:

#Run 1 - against ldap server

python dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py localhost -UAdministrator%P at ssw0rd
test: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_binary
failure: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_binary [
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py", line 337, in test_dn_binary
    self.assertEquals(len(res), 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1
> What we have here is that we can't find the object using this filter:                         (testAttrDNBinary1290156228=B:4:1234:DC=samba,DC=cwm)
But when i try to find it with ldbsearch and i use the same filter the result is SUCCESS.

test: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_string
failure: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_string [
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py", line 243, in test_dn_string
    self.assertEquals(len(res), 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1
> Same as the above

#Run 2 - against sam.ldb file

sudo python dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py /home/ant/bin/rwdc/private/sam.ldb -UAdministrator%P at ssw0rd
test: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_binary
failure: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_binary [
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py", line 348, in test_dn_binary
    self.assertEquals(num, ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX)
AssertionError: 34 != 21

> Different behavior from #Run 1, we have a different error

test: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_string
failure: __main__.SyntaxTests.test_dn_string [
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dsdb/tests/python/ldap_syntaxes.py", line 253, in test_dn_string
    self.assertEquals(num, ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX)
AssertionError: 34 != 21

> Same as the above

Regards, Anatoliy

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