Kinit errorcode in Samba is not returned.

ranji ranjith.rajendran at
Mon Nov 8 22:20:06 MST 2010

Before doing an AD join,I perform kinit. 
kinit is working fine w.r.t AD join and is able to join to domain

When kinit fails,it always returns the value 1 . 
As per my study it must return different error code in HEX (Unknown realm,
Invalid cerendtials,Clockskew error).

Is there any option avail in samba Makefile to enable this kerberos
scenarios with appropriate error codes.???  

my makefile CONFOPTS are as below:

CONFOPTS  = -C --enable-debug --enable-developer --disable-cups
--with-smbmount --with-ldap --with-ads --with-krb5=/hun/lib/
--without-cifsupcall --with-configdir=/hun/conf
INSTDIRS   += private

Also I have put the entire AD login inform of a shell script. 
Samba version: 3.3.14

Please let me know if I'm wrong and suggest me for resolution..!!

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